Featured Authors

Oleana Whispering Dove Tsalagi/Algonquin Descendant

Tyrese Gould Jacinto: Nanticoke-Lenape

Evan Pritchard: Descendant of the Micmac people

Jeremy Dennis: Shinnecock Nation


Poetry Collection from 
Oleana Whispering Dove &
Danny Simmons

Permanently archived in the Schomburg Center for Research 

Poems stashed away on a shelf waiting to breathe, waiting to be resuscitated unlike the romance that once prevailed.

Unexpectedly, with new breath they’re revived, capturing a Poetic Affair as vivid as a Van Gogh. 

Each verse a snapshot of a moment in time, a book with a lasting impression and the knowledge that when the romance is over and all that’s left are the words he wrote, there is no better place to be.

A book that engages the reader in way that removes the illusion of the stoic Native.

Rather, it evokes the passion and tenderness of love.

A chronological narrative from the words and inspiration of a master poet to an unbeknownst muse.

I share these Poems so that you may experience your own transformation.


This compact volume (along with “Greetings”)contains the essence of his indigenous-themed poetry, written over many years.

Evan Pritchard

A proud Mi’kmaq descent is a well known poet (Greetings from Mawenawasic, Tending the Fire) and author-historian (Native New Yorkers, No Word For Time, Bird Medicine.

The red head

band has long been worn by Native Americans

as a way of showing respect for Mother Earth.

The contemporary head band and the hobo’s

bindle-stick bundle both often utilize the red

bandana cloth, associated around the world

with a simple and free lifestyle, living on the

road, taking it as it comes. This spirit of freedom

is what this book is all about—keeping it simple!

Nanticoke-Lenni Lenape

My name is Ty and I am from the Nanticoke-Lenape Nation 

I am introducing my native American children & and inspirational spiritual books.

I write to give voice to the voiceless,give a name to the nameless, and give a face to the faceless. I write to give identity to those who have hadtheir identity stolen with the stroke of a pen.

These are writings by me starting at the age of 13 in 1976 through 2020.

I know that this book is different from traditional Anthologies. However, I felt that it best represents my

expressions. It is not a mistake that my name is Bright Flower, and this book is a compilation of my

writings as my flower’s blossoms. I chose the name "The Blossoms of Bright Flower" because it

represents my blossoming from when I was a child through life today. I decided to create a colorful array

of pictures to accompany this Anthology. This creation celebrates my Native American heritage as a part

of my expressions.
